اسم الباحث | اسم البحث | صنف البحث | اسم المجلة | صنف المجلة | رابط البحث |
د. فرقان محمد حسين | Incidence of septicemia. Etiology and antimicrobial susceptibility testing among patients admitted to tertiary care hospital | مشترك | Journal of Infection in Developing Countries | سكوبس | https://www.jidc.org/index.php/jo urnal/article/view/33378280 |
د. فرقان محمد حسين | Impacts administration of rifampicin on sperm DNA integrity and male reproductive system parameters in rats | مشترك | Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology | سكوبس | https://rjptonline.org/AbstractVie w.aspx?PID=2021-14-9-65 |
د. فرقان محمد حسين | Screening of urinary tract bacterial infections and their antibiogram among non-pregnant women admitted to Al-Sadiq hospital, Iraq | مشترك | AIP Conference Proceedings | سكوبس | https://sustainability.uobabylon.e du.iq/uploaded/Sustain_2022_104 26513.pdf |
د. فرقان محمد حسين | Humoral Immunity Role in Diagnosis of COVID-19 among People Visited to a Tertiary Care Hospital in Hilla City | مشترك | Medical Journal of Babylon | سكوبس | https://journals.lww.com/mjby/ful ltext/2023/20030/humoral_immun ity_role_in_diagnosis_of_covid_19.12.aspx |
د. فرقان محمد حسين | Effects of Intralesional Platelets-Rich Plasma Injections on Oral Lichen Planus Lesions and Salivary Interleukin-8 | مشترك | Medical Journal of Babylon | سكوبس | LE%7CA768464339&sid=sitema p&v=2.1&it=r&p=AONE&sw=w &userGroupName=anon%7E30d cf66c&aty=open-web-entry |
د. فرقان محمد حسين | Salivary Interleukin-6 Level in Iraqi Patients with Oral Lichen Planus receiving Platelet-Rich Plasma Injections | مشترك | Al-Kindy College Medical Journal | سكوبس | https://jkmc.uobaghdad.edu.iq/in dex.php/MEDICAL/article/view/9 34 |
د. فرقان محمد حسين | Screening for Antibacterial Activity of Streptomyces spp. isolated in Babylon, Iraq | مشترك | Medical Journal of Babylon | سكوبس | https://www.iasj.net/iasj/downloa d/59496e72c1f68a16 |
د. فرقان محمد حسين | The Antibacterial Effect of Ginger and Garlic Extracts on Some Pathogenic Bacteria Isolated from Patients with Otitis Media | مشترك | International Research Journal of Medical Sciences | International | https://www.researchgate.net/pr ofile/Furqan-Al- Asady/publication/347933561_T he_Antibacterial_Effect_of_Ging er_and_Garlic_Extracts_on_So me_Pathogenic_Bacteria_Isolat ed_from_Patients_with_Otitis_Mnt edia/links/5fe846e045851553a0f 5c51c/The-Antibacterial-Effect- of-Ginger-and-Garlic-Extracts- on-Some-Pathogenic-Bacteria- Isolated-from-Patients-with- Otitis-Media.pdf |
د. فرقان محمد حسين | STUDY ON BETA-LACTAMASES PRODUCED BY ENTEROBACTERIACEAE ISOLATED FROM CHILDREN WITH BACTEREMIA | منفرد | International Journal of Advances in Pharmaceutical Sciences | International | https://www.researchgate.net/pub lication/347933499_Original_Res earch_Article_STUDY_ON_BET A- nt LACTAMASES_PRODUCED_B Y_ENTEROBACTERIACEAE_I SOLATED_FROM_CHILDREN _WITH_BACTEREMIA |
د سارة صلاح حسن | In silico identification of antiviral compounds for the treatment of chikungunya virus infection: qsar modelling and md simulation analysis | مشترك | Medicine in Novel Technology and Devices | سكوبس | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.medntd.2 024.100304 |